The Last Descendant of Eve is currently undergoing a re-write and ... with new book cover to come
Watch this space!
Story behind the story
The Last Descendant of Eve came about after browsing through I fell in love with this wonderful house on Ocean Road in Merimbula. A whole story, pretty much played out in my head. Evie's voice was so powerful that I had to stop writing the previous book and work on her story.
The book took about five months to write and then another six months with editing, proof-reading and then lots of nail biting as to what I should do with it now.
I sent it out to a couple of publishers and a few agents, and they all came back with a polite thanks, but no thanks. Rejection was hard ... at first, because like any writer starting out, and those who've been doing it for years, it's very personal. Writing a book sometimes feels like airing your journal to the world. I self published it through a US site in 2012, but over time, the price of the book escalated. It was through a vanity publisher, and as green as I was, had no experience when to publish and with whom. It was also available on ebook too, but last month, after much thought, I decided to withdraw it from publication, as it needed a lot of work and revision. You may find old copies of it for sale on ebay, but at some point, I would love to create a new book cover and title, and rework it into better shape.
The Last Descendant of Eve was like that for me. There are personal aspects to the book that only friends and family know about. For example ... Ruby is real. She is my dog, and she is exactly as I've described her in the book (apart from the speaking part, of course - although she can stand up and open doors, which we all think is pretty cool and she always has a smile on her face).
The book has a total word count of 102,000 words.
The book took about five months to write and then another six months with editing, proof-reading and then lots of nail biting as to what I should do with it now.
I sent it out to a couple of publishers and a few agents, and they all came back with a polite thanks, but no thanks. Rejection was hard ... at first, because like any writer starting out, and those who've been doing it for years, it's very personal. Writing a book sometimes feels like airing your journal to the world. I self published it through a US site in 2012, but over time, the price of the book escalated. It was through a vanity publisher, and as green as I was, had no experience when to publish and with whom. It was also available on ebook too, but last month, after much thought, I decided to withdraw it from publication, as it needed a lot of work and revision. You may find old copies of it for sale on ebay, but at some point, I would love to create a new book cover and title, and rework it into better shape.
The Last Descendant of Eve was like that for me. There are personal aspects to the book that only friends and family know about. For example ... Ruby is real. She is my dog, and she is exactly as I've described her in the book (apart from the speaking part, of course - although she can stand up and open doors, which we all think is pretty cool and she always has a smile on her face).
The book has a total word count of 102,000 words.

A few years younger - Ruby

My gorgeous girl, Ruby